PLACENsational Encapsulation
PLACENsational Encapsulation
We believe the beginning of motherhood should include the ability to focus, commit, and encourage each and every woman to bond, heal, and recover in the best possible way. Being a mother of three children under the age of 4, Bethaney Brown directs our placenta encapsulation and as a mother of 4 children under the age of 7, she knows the importance of self care through the postpartum journey.
As well as being a placenta encapsulator, Bethaney is a certified pharmacy technician, so she understands and respects the medicinal needs of proper preparation. She has received training in universal precautions, compounding, and proper food/bio-hazard handling.
Bethaney encourages all women to research and educate themselves on the benefits of placenta encapsulation. She is available to discuss your specific needs, you can contact Bethaney directly at 254-479-6333.
Facts about placenta encapsulation and post postpartum depression:
- 80% of mothers experience some sort of baby blues symptoms, often decreasing optimal enjoyment
- Hormone levels drop rapidly to pre-pregnancy levels within 4-5 days after birth, which could cause a depleted feeling
- 97% of women who encapsulated their placenta reported positive benefits through their spouses, selves and others
- 98% of women report they will encapsulate their placenta after their next pregnancy
- Benefits of ingesting your encapsulated placenta include:
- Replenishing your iron, macro and micro nutrients
- Increasing your energy and focus
- Lessen postpartum bleeding
- Increased milk production
- Balancing and/or leveling of hormones
- Help uterus return to the pre-pregnancy state quicker through calmer nursing and resting
Note: The information on this page has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The services I offer are not clinical, pharmaceutical, nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Families who choose to utilize my services take full responsibility for researching and using the remedies.